Well our Thanksgiving this year was less of an ordeal than the major US celebrations loaded with family, friends, food, and football. We did most of those things- minus the football (which of course is not available here) but on a much smaller scale than we usually do in America. You may notice the absence of the fancy centerpiece complete with pumpkins and autumn leaves. Good thing the decorations and football aren't what Thanksgiving is really about...although some may beg to differ about the football part.

We started by convincing Trey to take the day off from his studies so that we spent the whole day as a family. We invited our friends Ryan and Adrian Weimer and their adorable daughter Annabel (notice those amazing ringlets) to share in our feast. It can be challenging to cook a Thanksgiving dinner in a miniature oven....I honestly think the Pottery Barn kids pretend ovens are the same size as mine. That being said, Adrian and I divided up the cooking and she brought several delicious dishes. Don't think I felt a little bit guilty about this considering that s
he is 8 months pregnant, has a two year old, that her husband had been out of the country for a week, and oh yeah... just happens to be finishing her PhD dissertation from Harvard!!! Some of you know that Ryan was my sister Tina's Inner Varsity co-leader at Wake Forest so it has been fun to connect with them here.

I have also included a couple of pics of our preparation. Emerson made a very fancy Thanksgiving picture with her markers, glue, scissors and special Thanksgiving stickers that Nana sent her in the mail. She also had a great time making her first pumpkin pie. Ward just joined us for the photo op, and tried to sneak a taste real food whenever he could. We hope all of your celebrations were as fun and laid back as ours!