This post doesn't have a specific purpose other than to show you some of the cute photos of our kiddies enjoying these weeks leading up to Christmas. We have had a really great time enjoying the spirit of the season.

Ward has joined the bedtime routine so we are loving the family snuggle time. We read part of the Christmas story, a storybook or two and Emerson has become a fan of story-telling in addition to her nightly reading. This is really stretching Mommy & Daddy's creative skills!

We have been baking a lot, Emerson has helped build and decorate a gingerbread house, cut out gingerbread men, make sweet bread for some gifts and tomorrow we are making a birthday cake for Jesus. Some days she bakes up her own concoctions in her kitchen.

This year, we experienced the benefits of an artificial tree for the first time (radiator heat makes a real tree pretty impractical) so we bought one that was pre-lit...our Christmas present to Trey- who HATES wrestling with the lights. This also enabled Emerson to take a very active role in decorating the tree.

And finally Ward, enjoying a day of shopping with Mommy on Princes Street. We were very grateful that PopO and Mylu gave us a new stroller for Christmas so he could nap and enjoy the shopping in style!