Scotland recently celebrated St Andrews Day. While I am not totally sure what this holiday is for, I was quite pleased to learn it means free admission to the National Historic properties. (Trey says it has something to do with church history and the cathedral in St Andrews, but that's not as interesting for our purposes here.) So we headed out for a day at the Edinburgh Castle. For those of you who have never been to Scotland, eventually we will need to get some better Castle pictures up on the blog. As you can see it was a rainy, cold day so the view from the top was not as dazzling as it usually is.
Emerson had already made one trip to see the Castle, but that was before her 2nd birthday. Needless to say, she doesn't remember that visit. Before leaving Atlanta, however, Emerson was given a book called This is Edinburgh. It is
a fantastic book that has been teaching her some of the great secrets of of this wonderful city that we live in...including some details about the Castle. While the rain prevented us from enjoying some aspects of our visit, Emerson was very pleased that she got to see the "jewry" translation: jewelry...by which she means the Crown Jewels. We also opted for the other indoor activity- the War Museum. While this would ordinarily be a disaster with a 3 year old...Emerson was shockingly interested. She wanted to know the details of each uniform and why they had different types of helmets (Trey says she is the real future scholar in the family). As I was trying to move her along through the displays she kept asking me to stop and read her the plaques- she never ceases to amaze me (again, Trey says Emerson is way smarter than he is - which, he adds, is not saying a whole lot)!

So despite the fog and rain, it was a great day. We love this city and look forward to exploring it with our children. (Trey says if you want a fairly good description of the view of Princes St from the castle, read the 1960s or 70s novel Marathon Man... And, hopes you are all doing well... whoever you are that reads this. He thinks he's funny.)
Yeah, Trey's hilarious. And Emerson's brilliant, of course! Thanks for the update and pictures!
Of course she is! Didn't we all know that anyway?!
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