Sunday, January 20, 2008

Christmas in Edinburgh

Ok for those of you have been waiting on pins and it is finally! I really have been meaning to update with our Christmas news and photos. We had such a great visit with Nana and Papa and then launched straight into a new family routine with Emerson's new school, ballet, Ward crawling all over the place so my "blog" time has been a little limited lately.

I figured that since it is a month late, I just need to do what ever I need to do to get the update done. So I am going to take the hundreds of photos that my dad took during their nearly 2 week stay and try to whittle them down into some sort of useable fashion so here goes....

Edinburgh is wonderful at Christmas. Downtown there is a quirkly little German village filled with crafts, art, and food. In the area around the Christmas village there are loads of fair rides such as a giant ferris wheel and carousel. There is an outdoor ice skating rink in Princes Street Gardens, live reindeer and a teepee that houses Santa. Yes, you read that correctly...a teepee. I am not really sure why because we didn't go into see Santa, but we did nearly everything else. The festive lights and all of these attractions make it a pretty exciting place to be at Christmas time. Emerson had been looking longingly at the ferris wheel for atleast a month, but we told her she had to wait until Nana & Papa came to ride.

Emerson enjoying the views from the 7-story high ferris wheel. Jenners, Edinburgh's oldest and most famous department store, in the background.A ride on the carosel.
Ward staying warm on a very cold day.Emerson LOVES the Pipers.One of our favorite spots in the city: Hope Park.Emerson and Nana playing at the park.
A view of The Meadows and Arthur's Seat in the background.
Waiting for our bus to church.Our little model- Emerson walking (and posing) on her way to the bus.My boys...looking an awful lot alike!...all we need is a Santa suit for Trey...

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